Thank you for Signing up for QuantumWellness!
Next, Choose 4 Programs from the different Categories below. Below is an overview chart with all the Categories and Programs and under that you will find the detailed Categories. (each Category has several programs so look through each Category and choose one or more from that Category)
Send us your 4 choices below along with your photograph. Send a FULL BODY photo with no other plants or animals in the photo. (plain background like a door is best).
Next month you can choose 4 more programs or keep the ones you have chosen or mix and match.
Here is an overview of all Categories and Programs
01) Immune System Boost (6)
02) Stress Reduction (5)
03) Allergies Balance (2)
04) Vitality Support (5)
05) Removing Negative Energy (6)
06) DNA Activation (5)
07) Anti Aging Support (6)
08) Exercise (3)
09) Healthy Detox (4)
10) Business Activation (4)
11) Agriculture (3)
12) Chakra Activation (10)
13) Burnout (4)
14) Mind Control Prevention (3)
15) Manifestation Magic (1)